Saturday, July 17, 2010

updates, updates.

I just wanted to give a quick update, with more to come when I am back in New York. As of August 1, we'll be living in Harlem, across from the Absyinnian Baptist Church, off of Striver's Row. It's a little further up than we were originally looking, but since we are subletting from a good friend of mine, the rent is much cheaper and we have a 2 bedroom apartment!! It seems a little surreal that it worked out the way it did, saving us the broker fees, security deposits, and a week of looking at apartments, but it seems like divine intervention. It works for us, it works out for my friend, and everybody's happy! So I'll be flying home on the 29th of July to start packing up all of my crap, and E is going to meet me sometime during that weekend to start the move! It's going to feel so wonderful to be living somewhere, on my terms, in control of everything around me. I cannot wait! More to come as the moving date gets closer!!!