Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Waiting, and waiting. That's what it seemed like I had been doing forever. In fact, I was waiting for going on 5 weeks for something to happen with my unemployment. After being told last Tuesday that I had to wait for a letter telling me whether or not I was denied or would be receiving unemployment, I was very frustrated. 7-10 days for a simple decision? It was either yes, or no. Monday rolls around and still no letter. So I go online to the Maryland Unemployment website, and I look to see if there is any way that I can find out whether or not they were paying me. There was and so I checked, and lo and behold, there it was: the page showing me that I had been allotted the money that they owed me for those 5 weeks. THANK GOD! Immediately I screamed and felt the world lift off of my shoulders again.

So here I am, back on financial track, and feeling like I can take part in my life again. Money is a big deal, at least for me. It's not that I want to have a lot of money- it's just that I want to have enough to survive on a day-to-day basis. And now I have that again, and it feels good. I can put back the money I took out of my savings account (plus a little more) and feel good knowing that, yes, I AM moving in August. It's going to work out now. 

E and I backstage after a show in Tempe, AZ
I'll be flying out to Florida tomorrow to finally be with E. It's also been 5 weeks since the last time we were together, so I am very excited to see him, to say the least. And this time it's going to be different for us, because, unless one of us gets a job and we have to be apart for that, we will no longer be a 'long-distance' couple. We met and starting dating while doing JCS in 2008, and every time one part of the tour ended and we had some months before the next go round started, we were long distance, since E is from Florida and I'm from New York. So we visited each other back and forth throughout the past 2 years, and we finally were 'roommates' on this last leg of Superstar. It was great, and really showed us that we really could and really wanted to have a place together. E is going to make the move with me to NYC in August, which is kind of a big deal, since neither of us have ever moved in or lived with a significant other before. It'll be different than just sharing a hotel room together, but it just feels right, and we both feel like it's the next step for us to take. I couldn't be happier.

So here's to my mini-vacation in Florida with my Sugar (yes, that's what I call him)- I'm hoping that we have a wonderful time together, since we finally get to take a real vacation (going somewhere fun without having to do a 5 show weekend, or an 8 show week) this coming Saturday. And then we are going to see some Phish shows 4th of July weekend, so it's going to be a blast for the next few weeks!