Monday, August 16, 2010

warming up to city life.

Today will mark the 2nd week E and I have been living in our place in Harlem, and I can't believe it's been 2 weeks already! It's been a little crazy for the both of us, especially E, because he started a waiter job at a place called Bar30 in Rockefeller Center literally 6 days after we moved in, and he's been working 12 hour shifts everyday since he started. I started working at Bar30 this past Wednesday, and it's the first job I've had waiting tables ever in my life. I was very very nervous about it, and I have always been nervous about waiting tables, which is why I never tried to do it. But- if I didn't take advantage of this opportunity I would be crazy because the money is AWESOME, and I really need the money. The bar is only going to be open until the end of August, and then E and I may have the opportunity to get hired in the restaurant that is affiliated with this one, called AJ Maxwell's. So hopefully that will work out- especially for E, I know he wants to keep having steady work.

I have to admit, waiting tables hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be, BUT- yesterday was my first day spending my whole shift (7 hours or so) with a section of tables. And I made some mistakes, and I got really scared, and then I felt stupid at some points for making stupid errors, but what can you do? I guess that's how I learn. Our manager (who is good friends with one of E's friends, which is how we got the job) is so much fun to work for. He's laid back, but still professional, and he's very supportive. We get to listen to people's iPod's on the speakers in the restaurants, and everyone I've met so far has been really nice. It's pooled tips so we are like a team. I'm glad that this will be my first waiting experience!

Since I haven't been working everyday, and E has, I've taken on some projects in the apartment that I'd never thought I'd do! I put our bed together using wrenches and I painted the bathroom all by myself! :-p It looks nice, and these things definitely had to be done, whether E was here to help me or not. But I am proud of myself for doing them.

And you know what? I'm proud of myself for taking on this new job even though it scared the crap out of me. I'm also happy that I went on a random audition last Monday, and now I'm going to be singing in the ensemble for a recording of the Lion King with Stage Stars Records! The album will be sold on iTunes and at Colony Music Center in Times Square. It's like a karaoke version that people can buy the album and practice with the accompaniment, or with the vocal tracks, to learn the music for the show. That's pretty cool. I'm excited to be working on new music, and I'm happy that I can add something new to my resume'!

I guess that's city life so far...I've been fortunate enough to be hanging out with my best friend DR a lot, and he's been so great with helping E and I move stuff in and move stuff around in the apartment, and just being a good friend to me through everything. I'm also happy because today I will get to hang with  my other best friend whom I haven't seen in over a year now, L. She was my roommate the first 2 years of the JCS tour, and we also lived together in Astoria for a year, and I've been very sad that we haven't really been keeping in touch, or seeing each other, but hopefully today will be great for us to catch up and have some fun!

I've definitely missed this city, and I'm glad to call it my home again.