Thursday, November 18, 2010

My First 'Gig'.

So....tomorrow night I have a 'gig' at Teddy's Bar and Grill in Brooklyn. I'm going to be singing 4 jazz standards with a band that I randomly sang with when E, B, and I went to see D on Halloween weekend. D got up and sang "What A Wonderful World" and then talked with the guys to get me in on the action. So I sang "At Last," and it wasn't half bad. Another reason why I love E so much: he talked to those guys for at least 20 minutes or so and managed to convince them that they were going to call me to do some more stuff. And they did! So I met with the band leader last week to try to figure out some songs we could do, and we came up with "At Last" again, "Unforgettable," "My Romance," and "They Can't Take That Away From Me." So that's what I'll be singing tomorrow night. I'm so nervous! I don't really have much experience singing with a jazz band, so I just don't want to mess up too bad. I want to be good, because I could really see myself trying to get into this live singing at different places thing. Maybe even turn it into a cabaret. I guess if anything, I feel like I'm getting these little signs here and there that are pointing me towards this. I saw a friend of E's family, Avery Summers, do her caberet a month or so ago, and she sang all the songs I loved, and I kept thinking that I should be up there doing what she was doing. And then I meet this band, and then E's parents send me a book on Lena Horne's life, and it was just an eye opener. Also, I've been doing a little catering around the city, and at all the major events, there is usually a live band, and I just can't help but spend most of my work time tuned into what the band is doing, and how the singer sounds, and again, it's like I hear a call....that yeah, maybe I can DO that! Who knows where it would lead. I'm not giving up on the theatre world, once I get my new headshots, and get my financial situation figured out, I WILL be auditioning again.

I just keep looking at facebook, and I see where a lot of people my age are at, and I feel like so many people have settled into where they want to be career wise in their life, and I definitely don't think I'm there yet.. I just feel like I'm on the brink of accomplishing so many things that I wanted, and now that I'm here in New York, I've really got to take advantage of it. I am so blessed to be working, and to have a roof over my head, and someone who loves me just for who I am, and who believes in me with his whole heart. I am lucky my parents are still supportive of my dreams, and haven't told me that I need to rethink ANYTHING. I'm just feeling like I need to start doing all the things that I've been dreaming of for so long.

So I'm going to need all the positivity and good thoughts coming my way tomorrow night. I'm excited by all the possibility!

Miss Lena Horne, an inspiration